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Dominion is a deck-building game where players acquire cards from a shared pool and use them to gain victory points. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

7.60 / 10
BGG Rating
published year
2 - 4
player count
2 - 4
Recommended player count
30 mins
play time

How Complex is Dominion?

2.35 / 5

Dominion is easy to learn but has moderate complexity due to the large number of cards and their interactions, requiring strategic decision-making and deck management.

How much Luck is involved in the gameplay of Dominion?

2.5 / 5

Luck plays a moderate role in Dominion as the initial card draw can impact early game strategy, but skilled players can mitigate luck through careful card selection and deck management.

How much Player Interaction does Dominion offer?

2 / 5

Dominion has limited player interaction as players primarily focus on building their own decks and acquiring victory points. However, some cards can affect other players' decks or resources.

How much Replayability does Dominion offer?

4 / 5

Dominion offers high replayability due to the large number of card combinations available, allowing for varied strategies and gameplay experiences. Expansion sets further increase replayability.

Why you should play Dominion

Easy to Learn

Dominion is a relatively simple game to learn, making it a great choice for both experienced and novice gamers.


With over 500 cards available in the base game and expansions, Dominion offers endless replayability and variety.

Strategic Gameplay

Dominion requires players to think strategically about their card choices and how they can best build their deck to achieve victory.

Quick Gameplay

A typical game of Dominion can be played in 30 minutes or less, making it a great choice for a quick game night.

Multiplayer Fun

Dominion can be played with 2-4 players, making it a great choice for a small group of friends or family.

Expansion Options

Dominion has numerous expansions available, allowing players to customize their game experience and add new cards and mechanics.


Dominion has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Spiel des Jahres award in 2009, making it a highly respected and acclaimed game in the board game community.

Why you should avoid Dominion

Limited Interaction

While Dominion is a strategic game, it can be relatively solitary, with limited interaction between players.

Limited Theme

Dominion's theme is relatively generic and may not appeal to players looking for a more immersive or thematic game experience.

Card Shuffling

As a deck-building game, Dominion requires players to shuffle their decks frequently, which can be tedious for some players.

Luck of the Draw

As with any card game, there is an element of luck involved in drawing the right cards, which can be frustrating for some players.


While Dominion is relatively easy to learn, some players may find the game's mechanics and card interactions to be too complex or overwhelming.

Where to find the Rules of Dominion

Check the rules of Dominion in a PDF file.

You can also find the community-driven rules summary, player aid, etc., in the Dominion files section on the BoardGameGeek website. You need an account on BGG to download files.

Beginner Strategies for Dominion

These strategies are for players who have either not played or played one or two games of Dominion.

Focus on building a strong deck

In Dominion, the goal is to build a deck of cards that will allow you to accumulate victory points. To do this, you need to focus on buying cards that will help you build a strong deck. This means buying cards that will allow you to draw more cards, gain more actions, and buy more cards.

Balance your deck

It's important to balance your deck between action cards and victory point cards. If you focus too much on buying victory point cards, you may not have enough action cards to build a strong deck. On the other hand, if you focus too much on action cards, you may not have enough victory point cards to win the game.

Keep an eye on your opponent's deck

It's important to keep an eye on your opponent's deck and try to predict what cards they may be buying. This will allow you to adjust your strategy accordingly and prevent them from gaining an advantage.

Don't be afraid to trash cards

Dominion allows you to trash cards from your deck, which can be a powerful strategy. If you have cards in your deck that are not helping you build a strong deck, consider trashing them to make room for better cards.

Plan ahead

Dominion is a game of planning and strategy. Try to plan ahead and think about what cards you will need to buy in order to build a strong deck and accumulate victory points.

Experiment with different card combinations

Dominion has a wide variety of cards, each with their own unique abilities. Experiment with different card combinations to find the ones that work best for your play style.

Remember, Dominion is a game of strategy and planning. With practice and experience, you will become a skilled player and be able to develop your own unique strategies.

Advanced Strategies for Dominion

Pay attention to the kingdom cards

In Dominion, the kingdom cards available for purchase change every game. Pay attention to the kingdom cards and try to identify which ones are the most powerful. This will allow you to adjust your strategy and focus on buying the most powerful cards.

Build a specialized deck

As you become more experienced with Dominion, you may want to focus on building a specialized deck that is tailored to your play style. For example, if you prefer to play aggressively, you may want to focus on buying attack cards. If you prefer to play defensively, you may want to focus on buying cards that allow you to draw more cards.

Keep track of your opponent's deck

In addition to paying attention to the kingdom cards, it's important to keep track of your opponent's deck. Try to identify which cards they are buying and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Use your actions wisely

In Dominion, actions are a valuable resource. Try to use your actions as efficiently as possible by chaining together actions and buying cards that give you additional actions.

Don't forget about victory points

While it's important to focus on building a strong deck, don't forget about accumulating victory points. Keep an eye on the victory point cards available for purchase and try to accumulate as many as possible.

Adapt to the game situation

Finally, it's important to be flexible and adapt to the game situation. If your opponent is playing aggressively, you may need to adjust your strategy and focus on defense. If the kingdom cards are not favorable to your play style, you may need to adjust your strategy and try something new.


Hand Management
Open Drafting
Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
Take That
Variable Set-up
Delayed Purchase


Card Game