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Dominant Species

Dominant Species is a complex strategy game for 2-6 players where each player controls a different animal species competing for dominance over a changing board of hexagonal tiles. Players must adapt to environmental changes and outmaneuver their opponents to survive and thrive.

7.82 / 10
BGG Rating
published year
2 - 6
player count
3 - 6
Recommended player count
120 - 240 mins
play time

How Complex is Dominant Species?

4.04 / 5

Dominant Species is a highly complex game that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and knowledge of the game's mechanics. It has a steep learning curve and can take several hours to play.

How much Luck is involved in the gameplay of Dominant Species?

2.5 / 5

Luck plays a minor role in Dominant Species, as players have control over their actions and can plan ahead. However, the random event cards and tile draws can impact the game's outcome.

How much Player Interaction does Dominant Species offer?

4.5 / 5

Dominant Species offers high player interaction as players must compete for dominance over the same board and can directly affect each other's actions through area control and displacement. The game encourages negotiation and alliances.

How much Replayability does Dominant Species offer?

4 / 5

Dominant Species offers high replayability due to the variable setup, different animal species, and various strategies. The game can play out differently each time, keeping it fresh and engaging.

Why you should play Dominant Species

Strategic Depth

Dominant Species is a highly strategic game that requires players to think several moves ahead and make tough decisions about how to allocate resources and compete for dominance.

Unique Theme

The game's theme is centered around the evolution of species and the struggle for survival in a changing environment, which is both educational and engaging.


With a variety of different species to choose from, each with their own unique abilities and strengths, Dominant Species offers a high level of replayability and keeps the game fresh and exciting.

Player Interaction

The game encourages player interaction and competition, as players must compete for resources and territory while also trying to outmaneuver their opponents.

Beautiful Components

The game features high-quality components, including detailed miniatures and a beautifully illustrated game board, which adds to the overall immersive experience.

Multiple Paths to Victory

There are multiple paths to victory in Dominant Species, which allows players to pursue different strategies and play styles.

Engaging Gameplay

The game's mechanics are easy to learn but difficult to master, which makes for an engaging and challenging gameplay experience.

Why you should avoid Dominant Species

Lengthy Gameplay

Dominant Species can be a long game, with an average playtime of 2-4 hours, which may not be suitable for players looking for a shorter game experience.


The game has a steep learning curve and may be overwhelming for new players, which may discourage them from playing again.

High Level of Player Interaction

While player interaction is a positive aspect of the game, it can also lead to a high level of competition and conflict, which may not be suitable for players who prefer more cooperative gameplay.

Limited Player Count

The game is designed for 2-6 players, which may not be suitable for larger gaming groups.

Theme may not be appealing

The theme of evolution and survival may not be appealing to all players, which may make it difficult to get them interested in playing the game.

Where to find the Rules of Dominant Species

You can find the community-driven rules summary, player aid, etc., in the Dominant Species files section on the BoardGameGeek website. You need an account on BGG to download files.

Beginner Strategies for Dominant Species

These strategies are for players who have either not played or played one or two games of Dominant Species.

Understand the game mechanics

Before you start playing, make sure you understand the basic mechanics of the game. Read the rulebook carefully and watch some tutorial videos to get a better understanding of how the game works.

Focus on adaptation

Dominant Species is a game about adapting to changing environments. Make sure you focus on adapting your species to the changing conditions on the board. This means choosing the right actions and adapting your species to the terrain and climate.

Control the board

Dominant Species is a game about controlling the board. Make sure you focus on controlling as many spaces as possible and denying your opponents access to key areas. This will give you more options and make it harder for your opponents to score points.

Use your species' strengths

Each species in Dominant Species has its own strengths and weaknesses. Make sure you understand your species' strengths and use them to your advantage. For example, if you have a species that is good at spreading, focus on spreading across the board.

Pay attention to the dominance cards

Dominance cards are a key part of the game and can give you a big advantage if used correctly. Make sure you pay attention to the dominance cards and plan your actions accordingly.

Be flexible

Dominant Species is a game that requires you to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions. Don't be afraid to change your strategy if things aren't working out. Be open to new opportunities and adjust your plans accordingly.

Watch your opponents

Pay attention to what your opponents are doing and try to anticipate their moves. This will help you stay one step ahead and make it harder for them to score points.

Remember, Dominant Species is a complex game that takes time to master. Don't get discouraged if you don't win your first few games. Keep practicing and experimenting with different strategies until you find one that works for you.

Advanced Strategies for Dominant Species

Focus on scoring points

As you become more familiar with the game, you'll start to realize that scoring points is the key to winning. Make sure you focus on scoring points in every round, even if it means sacrificing some of your other goals.

Use the action pawns wisely

The action pawns are a limited resource in Dominant Species, so make sure you use them wisely. Don't waste them on actions that won't help you score points or gain an advantage over your opponents.

Plan ahead

Dominant Species is a game that requires you to plan ahead. Make sure you have a long-term strategy in mind and work towards it throughout the game. This means anticipating the changing conditions on the board and adapting your strategy accordingly.

Take risks

Sometimes, taking risks can pay off in Dominant Species. Don't be afraid to make bold moves if you think they'll give you an advantage. Just make sure you weigh the risks and rewards carefully before making a move.

Use the dominance cards strategically

The dominance cards can be a powerful tool if used correctly. Make sure you use them strategically to gain an advantage over your opponents. For example, if you have a lot of presence in a particular terrain type, use the dominance card for that terrain to score extra points.

Watch your opponents closely

As you become more experienced with the game, you'll start to realize that watching your opponents is just as important as watching the board. Pay attention to what your opponents are doing and try to anticipate their moves. This will help you stay one step ahead and make it harder for them to score points.

Be flexible

While having a long-term strategy is important, it's also important to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions on the board. Don't be afraid to change your strategy if things aren't working out. Be open to new opportunities and adjust your plans accordingly.


Tile Placement
Variable Player Powers
Hexagon Grid
Open Drafting
Area Majority / Influence
Worker Placement
Grid Movement
Take That
Action Queue
Turn Order: Claim Action
End Game Bonuses
Map Addition

