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Aeon's End: War Eternal

Aeon's End: War Eternal is a cooperative deck-building game where players take on the roles of mages defending their city from monstrous threats. Players must strategically use their unique abilities and spells to defeat the enemies and save the city.

8.26 / 10
BGG Rating
published year
1 - 4
player count
1 - 4
Recommended player count
60 mins
play time

How Complex is Aeon's End: War Eternal?

2.93 / 5

Aeon's End: War Eternal has a moderate complexity, with unique abilities, spells, and nemesis mechanics to learn, but the rulebook and player aids make it accessible.

How much Luck is involved in the gameplay of Aeon's End: War Eternal?

2.5 / 5

Luck plays a moderate role in Aeon's End: War Eternal, as players rely on random card draws and enemy attacks. However, strategic deck-building and teamwork can mitigate the impact of luck.

How much Player Interaction does Aeon's End: War Eternal offer?

3 / 5

Aeon's End: War Eternal has limited player interaction, as players mainly focus on their own decks and actions. However, players can coordinate attacks and use spells to support each other.

How much Replayability does Aeon's End: War Eternal offer?

4 / 5

Aeon's End: War Eternal offers high replayability due to the variety of mages, nemesis, and market cards, as well as the random order of turn and nemesis cards.

Why you should play Aeon's End: War Eternal

Cooperative gameplay

Aeon's End: War Eternal is a cooperative game, which means that players work together to defeat a common enemy. This makes it a great game for groups who enjoy working together and strategizing as a team.

Unique deck-building mechanics

Aeon's End: War Eternal features a unique deck-building mechanic where players don't shuffle their decks. Instead, cards are placed on top of the deck in a specific order, allowing players to plan their moves ahead of time.


With multiple mages, nemesis bosses, and market cards to choose from, Aeon's End: War Eternal offers a lot of replayability. Each game can be different depending on the combination of cards and characters chosen.

Challenging gameplay

Aeon's End: War Eternal is a challenging game that requires careful planning and strategy. The nemesis bosses are tough to beat, and players must work together to come up with a plan to defeat them.

Beautiful artwork

Aeon's End: War Eternal features beautiful artwork that brings the game to life. The cards are well-designed and the illustrations are stunning, making it a visually appealing game to play.

Solo play

Aeon's End: War Eternal can be played solo, which is great for players who want to enjoy the game on their own.

Expansion options

Aeon's End: War Eternal has several expansion options, including new mages, nemesis bosses, and market cards. This allows players to customize their game and add new challenges to keep the game fresh and exciting.

Why you should avoid Aeon's End: War Eternal


Aeon's End: War Eternal can be a complex game to learn, especially for players who are new to deck-building games. The unique mechanics and gameplay may take some time to understand, which can be a turn-off for some players.

Length of play

Aeon's End: War Eternal can be a long game, especially if players are struggling to defeat the nemesis boss. This may not be ideal for players who prefer shorter games or have limited time to play.

Limited player interaction

While Aeon's End: War Eternal is a cooperative game, there is limited player interaction during gameplay. Players are focused on their own decks and strategies, which may not be ideal for players who enjoy more social or interactive games.

Limited theme

Aeon's End: War Eternal has a limited theme that may not appeal to all players. The game is set in a fantasy world where players take on the role of mages fighting against nemesis bosses, which may not be everyone's cup of tea.


Aeon's End: War Eternal can be a pricey game, especially when factoring in the cost of expansions. This may not be ideal for players who are on a budget or prefer to invest in games with a lower price point.

Where to find the Rules of Aeon's End: War Eternal

You can find the community-driven rules summary, player aid, etc., in the Aeon's End: War Eternal files section on the BoardGameGeek website. You need an account on BGG to download files.

Beginner Strategies for Aeon's End: War Eternal

These strategies are for players who have either not played or played one or two games of Aeon's End: War Eternal.

Build a balanced deck

When building your deck, make sure to include a mix of attack spells, support spells, and cards that allow you to draw more cards or gain more resources. This will help you adapt to different situations and make the most of your turns.

Prioritize taking out minions

While it can be tempting to focus all your attacks on the boss monster, it's often more effective to take out the minions first. Minions can quickly overwhelm you if left unchecked, and they often have abilities that can make the boss monster more powerful.

Coordinate with your teammates

Aeon's End is a cooperative game, so make sure to communicate with your teammates and coordinate your actions. For example, if one player has a card that can deal a lot of damage to the boss monster, you might want to hold off on attacking until they can play that card.

Use your breaches strategically

Each mage has a set of breaches that they can use to cast spells. Make sure to use your breaches strategically, as some spells are more effective when cast from certain breaches. For example, a spell that deals damage to all enemies might be more effective if cast from a breach that targets multiple enemies.

Don't be afraid to lose

Aeon's End can be a challenging game, especially for new players. Don't be discouraged if you lose your first few games – use those experiences to learn from your mistakes and improve your strategy for the next game.

Advanced Strategies for Aeon's End: War Eternal

Focus on upgrading your deck

As you play more games, you'll start to get a sense of which cards are most effective in different situations. Use this knowledge to upgrade your deck by removing weaker cards and adding more powerful ones. You can also upgrade your starting cards to make your deck more efficient.

Pay attention to the nemesis' abilities

Each nemesis in Aeon's End has unique abilities that can make the game more challenging. Make sure to pay attention to these abilities and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, if the nemesis has an ability that allows it to heal, you might want to focus on dealing damage quickly to prevent it from healing too much.

Coordinate your breaches with your teammates

In addition to using your breaches strategically, you can also coordinate with your teammates to make the most of your breaches. For example, if one player has a breach that allows them to cast spells more quickly, you might want to let them use that breach to cast spells that require a lot of resources.

Use your mages' abilities

Each mage in Aeon's End has unique abilities that can be very powerful if used correctly. Make sure to use your mage's abilities as often as possible, and coordinate with your teammates to make the most of them. For example, if one mage has an ability that allows them to draw extra cards, you might want to let them use that ability to help the team draw more cards overall.

Experiment with different strategies

Aeon's End is a game that rewards experimentation, so don't be afraid to try out different strategies and see what works best for you. For example, you might try focusing on building a deck that deals a lot of damage quickly, or you might try building a deck that focuses on support spells to help your teammates.


Variable Player Powers
Cooperative Game
Hand Management
Open Drafting
Variable Phase Order
Deck, Bag, and Pool Building


Card Game
Science Fiction