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Eldritch Horror

Eldritch Horror is a cooperative board game where players travel the world to solve mysteries and prevent the awakening of an ancient evil. It features unique characters, challenging gameplay, and a Lovecraftian theme.

7.75 / 10
BGG Rating
published year
1 - 8
player count
1 - 5
Recommended player count
120 - 240 mins
play time

How Complex is Eldritch Horror?

3.32 / 5

Eldritch Horror has a moderate complexity level, with many rules and mechanics to learn, but the gameplay flows smoothly once players become familiar with them.

How much Luck is involved in the gameplay of Eldritch Horror?

3.5 / 5

Luck plays a significant role in Eldritch Horror, as players rely on dice rolls and card draws to succeed in their actions. However, strategic decision-making and teamwork can mitigate the impact of luck.

How much Player Interaction does Eldritch Horror offer?

2.5 / 5

Eldritch Horror is primarily a cooperative game, so players must work together to achieve their goals. However, there is limited direct player interaction beyond sharing resources and coordinating actions.

How much Replayability does Eldritch Horror offer?

4 / 5

Eldritch Horror offers high replayability due to its modular board, variable Ancient One and investigator combinations, and numerous encounter cards that provide different outcomes each game.

Why you should play Eldritch Horror

Immersive storytelling

Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game that takes players on a thrilling adventure through a Lovecraftian world filled with ancient gods, monsters, and otherworldly horrors. The game's narrative is rich and immersive, with each game session feeling like a unique story.

Strategic gameplay

Eldritch Horror is a game that requires players to think strategically and work together to overcome the challenges presented by the game. Players must manage their resources, make tough decisions, and work together to defeat the game's various monsters and other obstacles.


Eldritch Horror has a high level of replayability, with each game session feeling different from the last. The game features multiple different Ancient Ones (the game's main bosses), each with their own unique abilities and challenges. Additionally, the game's modular board and various encounter cards ensure that no two games are ever the same.

Cooperative gameplay

Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game, meaning that players must work together to achieve their goals. This makes the game a great choice for groups looking for a fun and challenging team-building experience.

Beautiful artwork

Eldritch Horror features stunning artwork that perfectly captures the game's Lovecraftian theme. The game's cards, board, and components are all beautifully designed and add to the game's overall immersive experience.

Easy to learn

Despite its strategic depth, Eldritch Horror is relatively easy to learn. The game's rulebook is well-written and easy to follow, and the game's mechanics are intuitive and easy to understand.

Solo play

Eldritch Horror can also be played solo, making it a great choice for players who prefer to play games alone. The game's solo mode is challenging and rewarding, offering players a chance to test their skills against the game's various challenges.

Why you should avoid Eldritch Horror

Lengthy gameplay

Eldritch Horror is a game that can take several hours to play, especially with larger groups. This may not be ideal for players who prefer shorter game sessions.

High level of complexity

While Eldritch Horror is relatively easy to learn, it is still a complex game with many different mechanics and rules. This may not be ideal for players who prefer simpler games.


Eldritch Horror is a game that relies heavily on randomness, with many of the game's outcomes determined by dice rolls and card draws. This may not be ideal for players who prefer games with a higher level of control and strategy.


Eldritch Horror is a game that deals with dark and sometimes disturbing themes, including death, madness, and otherworldly horrors. This may not be ideal for players who are sensitive to these types of themes.


Eldritch Horror is a relatively expensive game, with a higher price point than many other board games on the market. This may not be ideal for players who are on a budget or looking for a more affordable game option.

Where to find the Rules of Eldritch Horror

You can find the community-driven rules summary, player aid, etc., in the Eldritch Horror files section on the BoardGameGeek website. You need an account on BGG to download files.

Beginner Strategies for Eldritch Horror

These strategies are for players who have either not played or played one or two games of Eldritch Horror.

Focus on the objective

Eldritch Horror is a game where players work together to prevent the awakening of an ancient evil. Make sure you understand the objective of the game and prioritize completing it.

Manage your resources

You will have limited resources such as health, sanity, and items. Make sure you manage them well and use them wisely. Don't waste them on unnecessary actions.

Plan ahead

The game is unpredictable, but you can still plan ahead. Look at the board and try to anticipate where the next threat will come from. This will help you prepare for it in advance.

Work together

Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game, so make sure you work together with your fellow players. Share information, coordinate actions, and help each other out.

Don't be afraid to take risks

Sometimes you will need to take risks to complete the objective. Don't be afraid to try something new or take a chance. Just make sure you weigh the risks and benefits before making a decision.

Stay flexible

The game is full of surprises, so be prepared to adapt your strategy as the game progresses. Don't get too attached to a particular plan, and be ready to change course if necessary.

Keep an eye on the clock

The game has a time limit, so make sure you keep an eye on the clock and don't waste too much time on non-essential actions.

Don't forget about the mysteries

The game has a number of mysteries that need to be solved to complete the objective. Don't forget about them, as they can provide valuable clues and rewards.

Stay focused

The game can be overwhelming with all the different cards and mechanics. Stay focused on the objective and don't get distracted by all the details.

Have fun

Eldritch Horror is a challenging game, but it's also a lot of fun. Enjoy the experience and don't get too caught up in winning or losing.

Advanced Strategies for Eldritch Horror

Prioritize the Ancient One's weaknesses

After playing the game a few times, you should have a good understanding of the Ancient One's weaknesses. Make sure you prioritize actions that target those weaknesses to increase your chances of success.

Use your investigator's unique abilities

Each investigator has a unique ability that can be very useful in certain situations. Make sure you use your investigator's ability to its fullest potential.

Coordinate your actions with other players

As you become more experienced with the game, you should be able to coordinate your actions with other players more effectively. Make sure you communicate with your fellow players and work together to achieve the objective.

Be prepared for the unexpected

Eldritch Horror is a game that can throw unexpected challenges at you at any time. Make sure you have a backup plan in case things don't go as planned.

Don't waste time on low-priority tasks

As you become more experienced with the game, you should be able to identify which tasks are essential and which ones can wait. Don't waste time on low-priority tasks that won't help you achieve the objective.

Use your items and spells wisely

You will have access to a variety of items and spells that can be very useful in certain situations. Make sure you use them wisely and don't waste them on non-essential actions.

Keep an eye on the doom track

The doom track is a key mechanic in the game that can quickly lead to defeat if it reaches its maximum value. Make sure you keep an eye on the doom track and take actions to prevent it from advancing too quickly.

Don't forget about the rumors

Rumors are a key mechanic in the game that can provide valuable clues and rewards. Don't forget about them, as they can be essential to completing the objective.

Take advantage of the travel mechanic

The travel mechanic in Eldritch Horror can be very useful for completing tasks and avoiding threats. Make sure you take advantage of it and plan your movements carefully.

Experiment with different investigators and Ancient Ones

Eldritch Horror has a variety of investigators and Ancient Ones to choose from. Experiment with different combinations to keep the game fresh and challenging.


Action Points
Variable Player Powers
Cooperative Game
Role Playing
Dice Rolling
Point to Point Movement
Solo / Solitaire Game
Stat Check Resolution
Resource to Move

